Kingsways Carrum Downs

Pergamos, The Compromising Church - Rev 2:12-17 - Past John Shipman - 19 Feb 2017



This Church - like many churches today - were flirting with corruption and immorality. One can say that we have in front of us in the scripture a graphic example of the spirit of the world entering the church. This has led to a watered down message preached without any conviction of sin. The enemy - Satan has two weapons he use against the church - intimidation and enticement. The one drive people away from Christ through fear and the other trough lust. This is how you get corrupt practices and corrupt preaching. This is explained in the text referring to Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel. Still happening today. We explore this and compare this passage with the parable of the mustard seed in Mat 13.