Double Deuce Podcast

124: That's Not Entrapment at Subway! (w/ Jay Maus!)



We recorded this one a few weeks ago, the third episode we recorded in a row, so we’re a bit drunk and loopy on our own supply of nonsense, so, my notes were few and I don’t know. I do know we said “This is no Gin Sunday, but damn.” I also know that Jay Maus is back again and we were apparently obsessed with sandwiches. We’ve got Subway is Mad Max but Water’s Free Corner, Schlotsky’s and 3rd Party Divorce Corner, Night Brain Corner, and Nobody’s Happy at Subway Corner. Abandon all hope! Want to see the Deuce live? We’ll be recording Episode 125 live in front of a studio audience, but not on the evening of Saturday, March 31st anymore. Thanks to KU’s tournament dominance and Will’s going on vacation, we’ll now be recording live the evening of Saturday, April 14th, at the Eagles Lodge here in Lawrence! Hope you can make it and GO KU! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/rate/review/share us! We’