Double Deuce Podcast

112: Star Wars New Years Eve Pants Countdown



It’s New Year’s Eve and we’ve got 30 minutes of Deuce to help you strangle the last few gasps of life out of 2017! If you start this podcast about 28 minutes and 30 seconds before midnight we kind of half ass count you down and everything. We start out talking about a couple things we recently watched on Netflix: Bright and Godless. Then we spend the rest of the show talking Star Wars: The Last Jedi, like we did back when we first started the podcast and spent an episode talking Force Awakens. It’s been out for 3 weeks, so we’re going to be spoiling things, so if you haven’t seen it yet, STAR WARS SPOILERS. If you care, don’t listen till you’ve seen it. And yeah, that’s the episode. Star Wars New Year. It was a big year for the Deuce with our live 100th episode and everything. Thanks to everyone for listening and we’ll talk at you again next week in 2018! Contact Us! Follow Us! Love Us! Email: Twitter: @doubledeucepod Facebook: Also, please subscribe/r