Double Deuce Podcast

54: Clever Wording, Food, and Being Sad (w/ James Frager!)



This one is a doozy. This week’s guest is Sad Lunch Club All Star James Frager! Don’t know about Sad Lunch Club? It’s a facebook group Will got rolling a while ago, and we fill you in on it in Sad Lunch Club Corner. James Frager is a force of nature and he takes control of things from the jump: setting an elaborate table, filming the proceedings (if he posts it, we’ll share the link to the video on our facebook page), bringing a VR set up,  and taking us along for the ride in a flurry of corners. There’s James’s Job Corner, James’s Opportunities in Topeka Corner, James’s Topeka Pushes Back Against the Deuce’s Aggression Corner, James’s We’re Getting Weird VR Corner, James Talks for a While About Mania and America While Making Us Watch VR Porn Corner, and James’s VR Apocalypse Corner! Whoa. It’s a weird one, kids. You've been warned! Want more James? Find him on Facebook reveling in culinary misery in Sad Lunch Club or catch him DJing a New Year’s Eve Party at the Topeka Burger Stand! Want more Deuce? We’re dr