As Woo Woo As You Want

Episode 32: Yoga with Elias Lopez



Ep 32: Yoga with Elias Lopez In this episode, Celine and Jeremiah interview Elias Lopez, a Brooklyn-based yoga teacher. Elias shares his incredible story of how he discovered yoga, his eventual transition into becoming a teacher within the Anusara tradition, his recent diagnosis with Multiple Myeloma Cancer and how the practice of yoga has helped his healing, and his decades-long perspective on the power of yoga not only as a physical practice, but as a spiritual one as well. You can find more about Elias and check out his Zoom classes by going to his website: People, books, ideas, and places we reference in this episode: Anusara Yoga (, Bowspring Yoga (, Multiple Myeloma Cancer (, Ananda Ashram (, Ananda ( & (, Acup