Your First Thousand Clients With Mitch Russo

220: Leadership Instincts For Controlling The Future With Mark S A Smith



Controlling the future sounds almost supernatural, but in reality, it's something you can do not only for yourself but for those around you. By having the right leadership skill set and values, it's possible to control the future with your actions today. This episode, Mark S A Smith, a Business Growth Strategist at Bija Company, talks about the common denominator between successful companies, which is their focus on marketing. He details the leadership that transpires within these companies and explains why tracking KPIs are very critical if you want to make sure everybody's in line within your company. Furthermore, learn what it means to lead with valor and understand how wise leaders think and decide when it comes to planning for what lies ahead.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join Your First Thousand Clients Community today:mitchrusso.comMitch Russo LinkedIn