Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

Pivoting Your Business? What To Do With Your Email List | Ep 180



 Pivoting Your Business? What To Do With Your Subscribers. So want to pivot your business but you don’t know what to do with your email list? First realize change is nature and there is nothing wrong it. Just make sure you’re not burning all your bridge. After this episode you’ll know: What to do if your new business focus is kind of similar to your current business What to do if your new business is sooooo far away from your current niche.  Should you just delete all your subscribers from your current email list? How do you break it to your community that you are changing directions.  This was a listener question. Do you want something asked on the show - DM me on Instagram @kate_doster Links in this episode: The Cookie Effect Free Masterclass - Monica froese of and   Can’t get enough of Inbox Besties? Be sure to follow me on Instagram for even more tips, tricks and funny reels. - https://www.katedos