Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

How to make money from your email list without feeling like a rotten spammer face | EP 129



Want raving fans who just buy from you without you having to “sell” to your list (and feel like a rotten spammer-face)? I’m sharing my four-part framework that keeps my PayPal notifications popping, even while I’m on vacation at Disney, without feeling salesly or sleazy. In this episode of Inbox Besties, I'm breaking down my A-B-C-E framework that covers: The secret sauce that makes or breaks every single sales promotion The biggest missing piece of the puzzle for practically every person I've worked with Why poop emojis matter What you can learn from mall kiosk vultures  And more Seriously, this episode is jam-packed with priceless tips that I should probably have saved this one for a paid product.   For the blog post that goes with this episode, click here >  / / RESOURCES MENTIONED Little List, Big Profit Masterclass Love Your List Convert kit  Trello Magic (formerly Trelloing for Traffic)