Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

#121 Making Your List & Wallet Happy in 2020



Are you ready to rock it in 2020 and have your best year ever?   In this episode of Inbox Besties, I'm giving you allllll my secrets when it comes to how I plan out my launches, my emails and my income for the upcoming year.     In this episode, you'll learn my 3-phase system to planning that includes: How to choose your word of the year and apply that to every aspect of your business and life The 2 most important things to focus on right now to jumpstart 2020 My big-picture process that gives me freedom and flexibility through the year (while still crushing my goals) and more! For the blog post that goes with this episode, click here > Be sure to take a screenshot and tag me in your Instagram stories so I can give you a shoutout for being a bestie of the week @kate_doster   / / Resources Mentioned: Convert Kit Tailwind Little List, Big Profit Masterclass Trelloing For Traffic The Email Marketing Fairy Freebies That Sell & Serve Mini Course   / / Podcast Episodes Mentioned: Episode 93: