Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

Double Dog Dare #46



It's Monday. Which means it's time for another Double Dog Dare; where I give you one action task to complete this week to grow your business, list, mindset or piggy bank's pants.   >>> Learn how to sell to your email list without feeling like a money hungry buttface - Little List Big Profits   // Get Credit! Tag me in your Instagram Stories @kate_doster once you do your Double Dog Dare Ya for a future shoutout   **Want a $25 Amazon Gift Card?**   Everyone who leaves a review on itunes (Apple podcasts) during the months of May, June, July & August will be entered in a monthly drawing to win a $25 Amazon gift card. So leave your review early for more chances to win. Be sure to include your Instagram handle or someway for me to contact you if you win. // Free Stuff For You [Email Ideas] Don’t worry about what to email your list until 2021! [Free Challenge] Finally start your profitable blog -