Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

031: How To Dynamically Express Yourself



Self-expression is a profound gift you give to both yourself and the world. What you have to say matters, but it can be daunting to speak your truth. All of your fears of what others will think bubble up and stop you from expressing yourself in a dynamic way. When you break through from your fear of self-expression, you set yourself free and you create an outlet to inspire others. In this episode, discover how you can: Release your free of self-expression and share your truth with the world in an authentic and inspiring way... Begin to deepen your connection with the human experience simply by sharing your joys, your struggles and your journey with the people in your life... Unblock the egoic desire to keep quiet and unleash an energetic wave that enables you to access clear communication at all times... You don’t ultimately know who your message will inspire, but there are people who need to hear what you have to say. Your truth matters and sharing it freely is an empowering act that will help you gain d