Change Your Energy, Change Your Life With Panache Desai

010: How To Get Past Crippling Fear?



There’s one thing that we all are afraid of... and it’s change. It’s the unknown. Is the fear of the unknown keeping you from your greatness? We’re most afraid of that which isn’t familiar because we’ve been conditioned to operate inside of what’s known and what is familiar. The only problem is that what’s known and what’s familiar doesn’t allow us to be extraordinary and dynamic. We have to constantly evolve beyond that which we know and that which we are aware of is a limitation. We have to constantly innovate. We have to constantly be creative. We have to constantly follow the evolutionary impulse within us to be more and to express in a greater way and to share more. Repetitious cycles and monotony lead to mediocrity. How do you break free of repetitious cycles and monotony? How do you break free of living on auto pilot in order to really be alive?