Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

TWT: Heal Alopecia (& Auto-Immune Conditions) Naturally (087)



Find out the 4 main causes that add up to hair loss/Alopecia,and most autoimmune "dis-eases." After working with hundreds of people in my practice with Alopecia and numerous auto-immune conditions,  I'd like to show you today how stress and a few other culprits begin the cascade of breakdowns within the body eventually leading to your current health issue... Then find out what you need to do to get well again! Don't miss this revealing show and be sure to forward theinformation to anyone it could help! - - - ShowNotes: See all the Show Notes, Links & Recommendations at:   - - - GetYourQuestioned Answered! I answer 15 questions a week from our community and I'd lovetoanswer yours on an upcoming show:   - - -