
#166 Behavioral Diabetes Institute



On today’s DiabetesPowerShow, Charlie Cherry, Chris Daniel, and Lori Cherry are broadcasting from the offices of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute in San Diego, California. We are honored to speak with William H. Polonsky, PhD, CDE and Susan Guzman, PhD. Today, it’s all about what we at DiabetesPowerShow refer to as the people with Type 3 Diabetes…AKA Family Members, Loved Ones, and Friends of People with Diabetes. Dr. Polonsky and Dr. Guzman help us explore the many dynamic emotions and challenges that are experienced, not only by the people with Diabetes, but by those who love them. Diabetes is not a solo act…family and friends are as much a part of the process as the person with Diabetes.   William H. Polonsky, PhD, CDE Dr. Polonsky is President and Founder of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, the world's first organization wholly dedicated to studying and addressing the unmet psychological needs of people with diabetes. He is also Associate Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the University of Californi