
#156 The Type One Man Who Has No Pancreas...Literally



A letter from a DiabetesPowerShow listener... Hello Diabetes Power Show, A quick note to say thank you for the time you take to educate the diabetic community. My wife and I have learned so much from your pod cast and guests over the past six months. I am a type 1 diabetic who uses an Omnipod insulin pump and CGM. I developed pancreatitis five years ago and was required to go into the hospital every three weeks to have stents placed into my pancreatic ducts to move forward with simple life activities. After eighteen months, my doctor at the University of Colorado linked me to an excellent team at the University of Minnesota to perform a Total Pancreatectomy and Auto Islet Transplantation. The surgery was 17 hours and my islet cells were transplanted into my liver. I had a 40% chance the cells would take and I would not need insulin or be diabetic. I was also informed before the surgery that I had tested positive for a GAD antibody and there was an increased chance that my system would attack the transplanted