
#128 David Edelman - 'Thriving with Diabetes'



On today's DiabetesPowerShow, Charlie Cherry, Chris Moore, Theresa Moore, and Chris Daniel welcome David Edelman. David is an entrepreneur, author, speaker and advocate with a passion for helping people live healthier, happier and more hopeful lives. Two of his major roles are as Co-Founder and CEO of Diabetes Daily, a leading diabetes online community, and Director of Product Strategy at LabStyle Innovations, creators of Dario, a smartphone-powered blood glucose meter and diabetes management platform.  The thread that connects his work is a belief that we can create smart software to help people understand their health, figure out what to do next, and sustain positive choices for the long run. In practice, this means bringing together real-time health data (blood sugars, activity levels, food choices), providing contextually relevant education, and sustaining positive behaviors through social support.  David's other passions include promoting entrepreneurship and economic development in Northeast Ohio. He is