
#95 Diabetic Alert Dogs



On today's show, we welcome our special guest, Trevor Jordan. Trevor, a Type 1 Diabetic, was diagnosed at age 14, and has lived with this condition for 30 years. Trevor struggles with hypoglycemic unawareness. Learn how Trevor's friend and Diabetic Alert Dog, Boss, helps him overcome this challenge. About Trevor Jordan With 20+ years in national, regional, and local multi-platform media planning, buying, and selling experience, Trevor brings it all together to benefit clients, agencies, & media.Trevor also maintains his personal passion for Diabetes via his non-profit company called Mission D.A.D., Inc. Mission D.A.D. is committed to raising awareness of Diabetes, Diabetic alert dogs, and the value of living transparently (www.missiondad.com). MDI's purpose is to raise funds for families in need of a Diabetic alert dog. http://www.mission-dad.com/ The Mission of Mission D.A.D. To raise awareness of Diabetes and funding for families in need of Diabetic alert service dogs - highly trained to recognize onco