
#84 David Mendosa



  After earning a B.A. with honors from the University of California, Riverside, and an M.A. in government from Claremont Graduate University, David Mendosa went to work for the U.S. government. During a 15-year career with the U.S. foreign aid program, he served 11 years in Washington, D.C., and four years in Africa. After retiring from government service, Mendosa became a journalist, initially specializing in small business. When he learned in February 1994 that he had type 2 diabetes, he changed his focus to diabetes. He started his website, mendosa.com, in February 1995 when there were only two other websites dealing with diabetes. As a full-time journalist, Mendosa writes about diabetes for a variety of publications, including regular contributions to . On today's show, David Mendosa inspires us to find our passion, and combine it with activity that helps improve our control over diabetes. Among David's passions are photography and hiking. Transformation...Today, David shares with us some ve