
#72 Andy Holder, Ironman Triathlete.... Type 1



Iron AndyAndy Holder has always been the type of person to look for a new challenge, but his biggest challenge found him in 2005. He has been an athlete all of his life — playing football, baseball, and wrestling. After college, Andy maintained a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating well and becoming a body builder. Despite being in such great shape, Andy was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2005 at the age of 36.A husband and father of two young boys, Andy was initially confused, scared and angry by the diagnosis. But, after researching the disease, he realized this was another challenge he would overcome. Rather than allow diabetes to define him and to control the rest of his life, Andy became determined to do something extraordinary and to prove that no matter what challenges life presents, you can live without limits…Andy decided to become an Ironman triathlete.Despite the fact that he had never done a triathlon before and didn’t know how to swim, Andy challenged himself to compete in the ultimate tes