
#58 Testosterone and Diabetes



Testosterone and Diabetes Charlie-"I'm not saying that I have low testosterone but..." (This is a funny one!) Guest: Abraham Morgentaler, MD Clinical Professor of Urology at Harvard Medical School Founder of Men’s Health Boston () Author of Testosterone for Life (2008) and The Viagra Myth (2003) Internationally recognized authority on testosterone Low T and the Big DThere is a very high prevalence of low testosterone (T) among men with Diabetes. Since the relationship between low T and Diabetes is quite involved, Dr. Morgentaler explains, in clear terms, what’s important for you to know in order to ensure good health. In one revealing study, patients were asked to provide their entire medical histories, and then underwent a blood test for testosterone. Approximately 50% of men with Diabetes had low T, and the overall risk of low T in this population was more than double the risk seen in men without Diabetes.In another fascinating study, individuals gave