Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

How To Create A Productive Environment in Your Business



Guest Name & Title Barbara Hemphill – Create a Productive Environment in Your Business BIO: Barbara Hemphill is passionate about helping people eliminate the physical, digital, emotional and spiritual clutter so they can accomplish their work and enjoy their lives. Frequently referred to as “The Paper Tiger Lady,” Barbara started her company in 1978 with a $7 ad in a New York City newspaper. As her business grew, so did her vision. She wanted to be able to offer other women the same opportunity that she had: a business of their own that could provide a lucrative income with flexible hours, doing something they love. Today, Productive Environment Institute includes an international team of Certified Productive Environment Specialists whose mission is to help individuals and businesses transform how they work and live. Barbara’s books include Taming the Paper Tiger series, Love It or Lose It: Living Clutter-Free Forever, and Organizing Paper @Home: What to Toss and How to Find the Rest. She has been feature