Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

How To Grow Your Social Wealth



Do you struggle to make meaningful and profitable relationships in your business? Then check out my discussion with Jason Treu for insightful secrets to easily connecting, and having your conversations stand out at the end of the day! Jason Treu, BeExtraordinary.TV BIO: Jason is a top business coach, speaker and author. He’s a leading expert on social engineering, influence, persuasion, networking and leadership. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true “wealth.” Everything we accomplish in life is with or through other people. He works with experts, entrepreneurs and executives to help them get known and stand out by building key skill sets and right relationships, creating their brand platform and purpose, and improving their business results. He also helps them take the next step in their career and business. His bestselling book, Social Wealth, the how-to-guide on building personal and professional relationships, has sold more than 30,000 copies an