All Possibilities With Julie Chan

066 – Esther Goodhart – Standing: Up and In Technicolor



Korean-Jewish comedienne Esther Goodhart discusses overcoming disability and challenging parents, changing religions in rebellion, living like tomorrow is the last day, not accepting the negative, why she’s not afraid to die, taking on comedy, seeing the world in Technicolor, responding to adversity with love, why Mr. Rogers was a genius, and an intuitive reading inspired discussion about her remarkable outlook on a very recent and sobering health diagnosis. She joins Julie Chan in the MouthMedia Network studios powered by Sennheiser.In this episode: Rebelling against holy-roller Christian parents and converting to Judaism Being born with a disability, how she needed a push How Esther was in wheelchair all her life with disability, and her family felt humiliated that she was in a wheelchair, wondering why she couldn’t shake it off Her whole life is to not burden others with her burden Proud, embarrassed Need to release and receive the love people want to give How Esther’s kids inspired her to get out of her