Hack The Entrepreneur: Passive Income |business Ideas | Marketing

The 4-Day Content Creation System with Pamela Wilson



Content marketing, content strategy, and blogging – these are things we talk about constantly. In fact, I've said it before and I'll say it again, all businesses in 2019 are in the content business, whether they know it or not. But understanding the importance of content marketing is only one piece of the puzzle. Executing effectively is a whole other thing. You can't just write and publish mediocre articles without a strategy or plan and expect any benefits to come from it. Which brings us to today, and this episode of Hack the Entrepreneur. Four or five years ago, I had no idea how to write for the internet, I didn't know what content marketing even was, and I had been convinced by teachers that I wasn't a writer. As I learned the strategy and tactics behind content marketing, I set out to relearn the art of writing. During this process I stumbled Copyblogger, a site dedicated to teaching the content marketing, copywriting, and strategy. Throughout this journey, I've made a ton of mistakes and learned a lot