Zócalo Public Square

Would California Be Better Off As Its Own Country?



One hundred sixty years ago, California, newly independent from Mexico, chose statehood. Since then, California has spurred change around the country. Its progressive policies inspired other states to follow suit, and the innovations sparked in Silicon Valley and fueled by venture capital — more of which is invested in California than in the other 49 states combined — have transformed the way we live. But the rest of the country often gives the Golden State the cold shoulder. Californians are considered flaky, superficial latte-drinkers. The state receives only about 80 cents in return for every federal tax dollar it pays, and its requests for aid during the current fiscal and political crisis have gone mostly ignored by the Obama administration. Would California be better off as its own country? Zócalo invites the New America Foundation’s Joe Mathews, PoliPoint Press editor Peter Richardson, political consultant Darry A. Sragow, writer and blogger David Dayen, and Global California author Abraham Lowenthal t