Iron: The Official Podcast Of Sierra Bible Church Reno

New Year, New Heart DISCUSSION - Sermon Q&A



Join Jacob and Cassidy as they answer your guys' questions about Cassidy’s recent message: New Year, New Heart.  If you haven't heard the message yet, you can hear it through our sermon podcast feed here: Be sure to send any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK to!  Quickly Find the Segments You'd Like To Listen to: 0:00 ► Introductions 1:16 ► Sermon Recap6:45 ◊ What was your process in choosing this passage to teach on for your sermon?10:43 ◊ How do you feel about New Year’s Resolutions and do you have any for 2020?15:07 ◊ What are some practical examples of ways we treat God as an “add-on” in our lives?18:52 ◊ Since God doesn’t count our trespasses against us, how can we better about not counting others’ transgressions against them?20:22 ◊ Is there a new way you view the world now that you didn’t before you were reconciled?24:30 ◊ Are there ever situations where reconciliation isn’t possible between two believers?28:42 ◊ How different is it really to make goals