Cognitive Engineering

Future Heritage Jobs



You don’t see any job listings for archers, spinners or falconers on LinkedIn these days, yet these trades were once thriving professions performed by ordinary people. Many of these jobs only survive through historical reenactment at fairs and festivals, which invites the question: in hundreds of years from now, which jobs of today will be regarded as cultural heritage for future reenactors? This week, we discuss heritage jobs of the future. In typical fashion, we delve into the data and lay down hypotheses for why some jobs may be more appealing to reenact than others. We present a framework for how likely a job is to be reenacted in the future, debate which jobs of today are ripe for reenactment and ask what constitutes a classic heritage job in the first place. Finally, we reveal the jobs we would most like to reenact ourselves. A few things we mentioned in this podcast: - Heritage Open Days in England - Kentwell Hall For more informa