Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street




ATTENTION Empaths & Sensitive Souls –  Which of the following do you identify with most? -BLINDED BY THE BLUR- Your eyesight becomes foggy and light looks distorted; everything looks blurry and you can’t seem to focus on the person you’re talking to. -TIGGER BRAIN- You just can’t seem to concentrate. You find yourself circling around, you think you even might have ADHD; you just feel like you’re “bouncing all over.” -EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER- You’re on what seems like a roller coaster of emotions, quickly “pinging” from one thing to another. You don’t know where your emotions start and where they end - you can’t seem to make sense of it. -CHAIRMAN OF THE “TRYING” You try and try, and then you try again for the people you care about. You think you might even have OCD. You try to control the energy around you. You want things to go right and to be perfect, but you’re exhausted from always trying. -BEYOND THE BLUES You feel a separation from yourself, and it’s even lower than a funk. You feel no faith in your