Riadi Club -

Sustain Belief (Part 6 of 7 – Your Big Dream)



We all have big dreams and ambitions.  We think about these dreams, we talk about them, we start them.  But really, how many of us continue the path? Just like a new year resolution, we start with good intentions, but we soon drop off.  Somewhere along that path, we started drifting.  How do we stay on track?     In this episode, you’ll learn:  The importance of sustaining belief to achieving your goals and staying on course How to apply what sustained you in the past to your big dream Why we all need a safe place where we can proactively recover How giving yourself 25 years to accomplish something sets you up for success In this episode, we’ll challenge you to:  Think about what you wanted as a child and how that compares to where you are today Identify your safe place for proactive recovery and spend time there and recharge Apply the 25 years, 90 days, and 100 tries tool to your big dream   More information  If you haven’t already, tune in to the first podcast in the Your Big Dream series, Set Absurd E