Riadi Club -

Why Lottery Winners Go Broke



You might be running your business just like the person who bought a lottery ticket.  You’re hoping that you’ll hit the jackpot one day and sell out.  When it comes to your business, both winners and losers have the same goals, but winners have systems that help them get there instead of relying on luck or chance.  We talk about why setting up systems is more important than setting goals and how systems help you build a health and successful business.        In this episode, we’ll share:   Why people who win the lottery, just like entrepreneurs who sell their business, are often unhappy   The concept of Entrepreneurial Poverty that some entrepreneurs are stuck in and unhappy  The importance of systems to run a healthy business and how it can differentiate winners from losers   The difference between systems and goals and why systems have more to do with your success   The 3 main areas of your business that should have systems: Sales and Marketing, Administration and Finance, and Operations