Life As Leadership

Breaking out of the Victim Mindset with Luis Gonzáles



Download a year’s worth of (weekly action steps to improve your leadership) FREE! Luis Gonzáles is a communications consultant, coach, and trainer with more than 25 years of experience in helping improve business outcomes for organizations. Currently, he works closely with CEOs, leaders, and individuals, positively impacting business outcomes through effective communication in global, multicultural, and remote work team settings. Luis has lived and worked in India, México, and Brazil. He is a keynote speaker and a member of the Association for Training and Development (ATD), Association of International Educators (NAFSA), and the Society for International Education, Training, and Research (SIETAR). LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS Ask yourself (and help others ask), “Given the current reality, what can I do to get a different result?” How you look at things matters: Life is either a bowl of cherries or the pits! Accountability can’t be trained. But having conversations with those