Life As Leadership

Five Steps for Entrepreneurial Management with Kris Plachy



Download a year’s worth of (weekly action steps to improve your leadership) for FREE! Kris Plachy is considered THE thought leader and expert for entrepreneurial management. Kris has poured her life’s work into learning about - then teaching - how to lead a team. In a space where there is a lot of noise and advice, Kris has designed the "how-to" of team leadership through her “Five-Step Management System." Kris knows without a doubt, there is no challenge you are facing as a leader that she can’t help you solve. LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS Knowing your vision helps in the hiring process. We all have values and expectations. You need to know how to communicate them and develop them within your business because your values and common sense are not always the same as others. In a traditional business, job/role descriptions are common, but they don’t mean much. In smaller businesses, people may be hired, but their role is not particularly clear. After establishing expectations, integ