Life As Leadership

Seven Steps for Becoming Elite at Anything with Chris Sajnog



Download a year’s worth of (weekly action steps to improve your leadership) for FREE! Chris Sajnog was a Master Training Specialist in the Navy and was hand-selected to write the US Navy SEAL Sniper Manual. He used this experience, plus four years of studying neuroscience and elite performance, to develop the SEAL Training System (instead of Sea, Air, and Land Teams, this SEAL is Science-based Education for Accelerated Learning), which he uses to help others learn, live, and lead like warriors. He is a proud father, the author of three bestselling books, and the owner of Center Mass Group, a 100% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business in San Diego, CA. LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS What you teach is less important than who you teach. Most people think teaching marksmanship is about technique. But in order to hit the target, the person is more important than the gun. Said another way, the weapon (you) is more important than the tool (the gun). It is important to turn people i