Life As Leadership

Changing Culture through Leadership Practices with David White



Download a year’s worth of (weekly action steps to improve your leadership) for FREE! David White is a partner and co-founder of Ontos Global. He has spent more than 25 years helping organizations manage and sustain transformation. As a cognitive anthropologist, his research and practice focus on new approaches to organizational culture and change. He focuses on designing and implementing successful, large-scale organizational transformation programs, as well as developing adaptive leaders who can do the same. His newest book, Disrupting Corporate Culture, focuses on how cognitive science alters accepted beliefs and impacts leaders and change agents. LEADERSHIP INSIGHTS A pervasive myth in leadership is that leaders set the culture. Cultures form just as well in any group without a nominal leader. Culture is a reference system – a shared mental operating system – we use to make sense of the world. If culture is a “given,” how do leaders work with it? Their power. Power sh