Dwarfcasts (a Red Dwarf Podcast)

DwarfCast 77 – Dear Dave Commentary



Rejoice as we finally reach everyone's favourite episode of Series X, Dear Dave. Your intrepid team - Tanya Jones, Danny Stephenson, Ian Symes and TORDFC's Jo Sharples - tackle such topics as the nature of the JMC on-board computer, the best burial place for a shit episode, Alphonse Areola, and a potential spin-off series for Asso: Spanish Detective. Oh, and sexism. Let's see if this shitty little (mostly) boys' club can sort out that thorny problem once and for all. But before all that, a round-up of the latest Red Dwarf XI news, and all the details you need to get your hands of one of five pairs of tickets to Dave's exclusive fan screening of the first two episodes. Yes, you have to listen to the actual DwarfCast in order to get the instructions, but don't worry, it's quite near the start.