Dwarfcasts (a Red Dwarf Podcast)

DwarfCast 40 – Dear Dave: Instant Reaction



It's the 40th Dwarfcast, and the fifth of our live Series X Instant Reaction chinwags, lovingly made not-live and downloadable, with improved sound quality, but no improvement in any other branch of quality. This week, we're talking about Dear Dave, and in keeping with the episode itself, we flit all over the place, cramming in as many topics as possible, without any satisfying conclusion. But excitingly, the entire G&T team are present for the first time this series - that's Jonathan Capps, John Hoare, Tanya Jones, Danny Stephenson and Ian Symes - along with regular pod chum Jo Sharples of TORDFC and non-Dwarf fan, but interested observer, Julian Hazeldine. Controversial opening music from the live version not included, sadly.