Bethel Church (princeton, Mn)

Jesus - The Lion and the Lamb



This weekend we continue our message series during Advent, where we focus on the theme of "waiting." Tomorrow I'll be preaching on Revelation 5, which tells us what the apostle John saw when the door opened and he was able to get a view into what heaven looks like. Last week we talked about the view he got of the Throne of God, and this week we'll talk about his view of the Lamb of God, who was "worthy to open the Scroll" with Seven Seals. (I know, I know ... unless you're familiar with the imagery of the book of Revelation, what I just described might sound like a scene in a fantasy novel or movie. But trust me, there is important and valid historical and spiritual teaching behind this imagery.) AND ... especially important for us during the Christmas season ... the teaching in this chapter helps us understand what Christmas really means. It helps us understand: who is this Jesus who's birth we're celebrating?