Leadership Revealed

Make 2022 The Best Year Yet!



In this first episode of 2022, John talks about how to make this year your best one yet. Most of us do it every year where we say, "This is going to be my best year" or "This is my year". *Pause for eye roll!* Well...it can happen, and it will if you really want it to. During this episode, John talks about planning for success and the steps you need to put in place to achieve your 2022 goals. As part of your planning, John addresses the importance of ‘marginal gains’, a term used to demonstrate little improvements you can make in your business and yourself, leading to bigger things. John also provides some of his own tips and examples of what he did last year to improve the business. Some of which you may like to adopt and implement in your own strategy. For all agents out there, we can't exactly predict what the market is going to be like this year, but you can get ahead to BE the market. Are you hoping to have a better 2022? Tune into this episode to listen to the first one of the new year and hear h