Pratt On Texas

Episode 2843: Day of courts on vaccines, mask mandates & abortion | Finally voter verified paper trail voting in Texas – Pratt on Texas 1/7/2022



The news of Texas covered today includes:Our Lone Star story of the day: U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on both the OSHA and healthcare worker vaccine mandates and the three very liberal justices are shocked anyone questions the government authority to force a medical procedure or drug as a condition of employment. Meanwhile, the all-Dem Texas 3rd Court of Appeals rules Governor Abbott cannot stop counties from doing things like mandating masks. We’re now in a terrible position because legislators were too timid to act.Our Lone Star story of the day is sponsored by Allied Compliance Services providing the best service in DOT, business and personal drug and alcohol testing since 1995.Finally, years late, Texans are getting voting systems with a voter verified paper trail.Bad blood in the Valley? Region’s state reps endorse newcomer to fill all important senate seat (SD27) giving the cold shoulder to their colleague state Rep. Alex Dominguez of Brownsville.And, other news of Texas.Listen on the radio, or st