Father Snort

The Freedom to Fail - Audio



Brad Sullivan Last Epiphany, Year A February 26, 2017 Emmanuel, Houston Matthew 17:1-9 The Freedom to Fail “Man glows on top of mountain, disciples respond stupidly” I think that’s pretty much what the newspaper headline would read for the transfiguration. The article would follow: Itinerant preacher and Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, stunned his disciples yesterday when, in a remarkable lack of his characteristic humility, Jesus began glowing on top of a mountain, revealing himself as God, and then asking his Father for a mic drop, as a bright cloud covered the terrified disciples and God’s voice declared Jesus to be his son. The article would go on and probably miss a lot of the grace that was going on with the Transfiguration, the newspaper reporter totally transfixed by the majesty and awe. To be fair, I’ve been transfixed by the majesty and awe of the Transfiguration many times. Jesus’ full divinity shinin