Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

108. Underbeing



Underbeing is a concept from a little known 12 Step fellowship called Underearners Anonymous. Underbeing is when we don't bring our authentic self into the world. When we follow the external expectations of others, rather than our own deepest truth, we live an unfulfilled life. Our hopes, dreams and desires are a compass we can follow to our own souls journey. Between birth and death is time. How we spend our time determines the quality of our life. We have many, many choices. Renee offers some simple but powerful tools for becoming conscious of how we actually spend our time and some suggestions on how to make the shift from underbeing to pursuing our own goals and dreams. LISTENER SPECIAL! This week only. 50% OFF WITH PROMO CODE: HALFOFFLISTENERS Explore the amazing transpersonal realms of spirit, nature and your own highest self through the ancient and powerful tools of Shamanism. Access community support, group journeywork and lots of free info, plus direct access to the mentorship of Renee McKenna thro