Community Signal

What Makes an Online Community a Home?



May 21st, 2021 marked 20 years since the launch of In this episode of Community Signal, Patrick speaks with five forum members that have been on for nearly 65 years, collectively. Together, they discuss what keeps them coming back to the community as members, moderators, and martial artists.  While each member brings different experiences and background to the community, Bob, Brian, Danielle, Devin, and Noah all cite the quality of the interactions that they’ve had in the community and how it has brought out their skills as community members, teachers, and students of the martial arts. Those interactions helped these folks launch their own martial arts schools, grow as martial artists, and pay it forward to hundreds of thousands of other folks seeking out knowledge. Whether you’re listening to this episode with 20 years of community management experience or you’re working on approaching that milestone, a few things emerge as truths from this episode –– that it’s not the size