Community Signal

The Community Manager You Think You Can’t Afford



As community professionals, we have more tools than ever to help us do our jobs. That said, the qualities that make an online community and an online community professional successful are likely largely the same today as they were 10, 20, or even 30 years ago. This episode of Community Signal focuses on those exact qualities and opportunities to delight. If you’re applying for a job in community, Patrick and our guest, Angela Connor, have some tips on standing out [00:30:13]: Point to specific communities that you’ve worked in If you don’t have direct experience in community, start one! Skills from other fields translate, but you should still be eager to learn and grow And if you’ve been working in community for a while, but are looking to refresh (or rewind) your approach, Patrick and Angela suggest [00:37:48 and throughout]: Revisiting how you talk to your community Leaving room in macros and canned responses for customization Approaching each conversation as an opportunity to invite in new community mem