Spiritual Psychology With Renee Mckenna

111. The Advanced Guide To Change



Looking for positive change in your life? Here's the breakdown of the four stages to change in any area of our lives: acceptance, action, chaos and resolution. Each stage has particular gifts and challenges. Moving into unknown territory can be exciting or terrifying depending upon our perspective and the process of personal growth can get derailed at many points along the path. Knowing the territory can be helpful in navigating change in life and allow us to flow with the natural process of evolution rather than resisting it. Explore the amazing transpersonal realms of spirit, nature and your own highest self through the ancient and powerful tools of Shamanism. Access community support, group journeywork and lots of free info, plus direct access to the mentorship of Renee McKenna through our private Shamanic Experience Facebook group. Check it out! Click to learn more about our new digital course and spiritual practice group with Intro To Shamanism: Lower World. -- Rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podca