Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 201: Matthew 9:14-34 "Stuck in the Middle"



This is the continuation of the 10 miracles that show the heart of God. There are 4 different types of people here who are at a point of indecision in their hearts of who Jesus really is. However, Jesus has no interest in keeping the traditions of men. Jesus came to bring a new covenant. The old covenant of law versus the new covenant of what Jesus has done. Extending grace to us on the basis of faith not on the basis of doing. It is easier for us to follow a man-made religion than to walk in faith as a disciple of Jesus. Faith will be rewarded. This is God’s heart. In this season, we may feel like we are stuck in something, so here are applications for spiritual growth: Be willing to let Jesus do something new and fresh in your life. We need to stop being afraid and just keep on believing. Faith. No matter the cost, no matter the crowd, we are going to reach out with all we have and touch Jesus. Learn two words; “Yes, Lord.'“ Scripture References:Mark 5Leviticus 26:12Malachi 4:2Number 15:38