Playing Full Out With Rita Hyland

92. Using Equal Energy Exchange (E3) to Troubleshoot Work Irritations



Can you identify one place where you feel irritation, resentment, or even a mild annoyance? This could be at home or in the workplace. Ask yourself if the exchange of energy, whether it be time, money, mental or emotional labor, is equal. If it’s not equal, ask yourself what would make it so. When too much energy is expended in one direction, for example, to a boss, client, team member, spouse or child, the energy exchange gets out of whack. This imbalance of energy is a result of boundary issues and is often the source of more unhappiness and unrest in relationships than most individuals are aware. I’m sharing one of my favorite tools with you today that will be your remedy for over-giving and undervaluing your energy whether that’s in the form of your time, money, expertise, or emotion. When you use this tool, you will be amazed at the restored vitality, freedom, and productivity you will feel almost instantly. Your relationships will improve as well.  If this episode is helpful for you, please share it wit