Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Your Senses ARE Your Gifts



Your Senses ARE your Gifts, with your host Jeanne Street, God-based Medium, Healer & Author.  Some may have always known that they were born with the gifts often referred to as “the clairs” or the way in which we receive messages from the spiritual realm. The clairs include the intuitive gifts of seeing, smelling,  hearing, tasting, feeling, speaking and knowing. The most commonly known clairs are clairvoyance( to know about things that you did not actually see happen or hear about) or clairaudience (the faculty of perceiving, as if by hearing, what is inaudible). The prefix “clair” originated from the French word claire, to mean “clear seeing; mentally or optically- a keen sense of perception.”    -- Catch Jeanne’s Free/Complimentary in-person event Awaken Your Clairs on May 4th at 6pm at The Angel Cooperative in Ridgefield, CT.  -- When we start awakening our energy centers, our body and mindset starts to shift. Access the FREE Angel Mediumship Third Ey