Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Making a $6000 Feature With No Crew In 11 Days With Director Pete Ohs



Today I am joined by writer/director Pete Ohs, here to give us a behind the scenes look into his latest feature film titled Youngstown.After debuting as a feature director with Everything Is Beautiful Far Away - a traditionally financed indie starring Julia Garner and Joseph Cross, Pete wanted to try a different approach. Despite the success of his first film (including distribution with The Orchard), the process wasn't what Pete was looking for. He wanted to make a movie that was more creatively freeing and fun, and this was only possible by scaling things down to a bare minimum. By financing the movie himself and acting as the entire crew, Pete was not only able to pull off a completed movie, but truly enjoy the process at every step. Throughout the interview Pete shares his journey at length - from his budget breakdown to the gear he used, and loads more.Links from the show:Pete Ohs - InstagramYoungstown - AmazonFor more exclusive content like this, click here to sign up for my newsletter.