Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Overcoming Blocks & Reaching Your Creative Potential With Filmmaker Matthew Temple



Joining me today is filmmaker Matthew Temple, who recently directed the documentary Hardball: The Girls of Summer, which was released by Vertical entertainment last year.Matthew also runs a great podcast, has written books on creativity, and holds workshops all over the world to help empower creatives. Naturally, all of this made for a great conversation that covers everything from creative blocks and how to overcome them, to the creative journey as a whole. He also speaks to his own experience balancing creativity with work, why he left a high paying job in Hollywood to go the independent route, and much more.Links from the show:Matthew Temple - WebsiteMatthew Temple - Production companyMatthew Temple - PodcastHardball - Movie WebsiteFor more content like this click here to sign up for my newsletter.