Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

An Interview With Lift-Off Film Festival Founder Ben Pohlman



As one of the founders of The Lift Off Global Network of Film Festivals, Ben Pohlman has made it his mission to not only program groundbreaking films at his festivals, but also to help filmmakers thrive in the commercial marketplace and flourish in their careers. Over the course of this hour long interview, Ben draws from his unique background as a festival founder to de-mystify the jury selection process and give filmmakers a realistic view of what it takes to get accepted. He also sheds light on many other critical topics including: The odds of getting into a festival, optimal runtimes for shorts & feature films, the main reasons why films get rejected, what happens after you're accepted, and much much more. Originally launched in England in 2011, Lift-Off is now in ten cities across the globe including: Los Angeles, London, Paris, Berlin, Manchester, Tokyo, New York, Vancouver, Amsterdam, & Sydney. The festival network has grown rapidly as it's support of true independent film and emphasis on findi